Need a change of career?
Ready to get UNSTUCK and stop drifting ?

Dr. Theresa Lewis - Career Change Coach for women who need a change of career - poses by a white column.

Welcome to Navigating Career Crossroads

A live, online program to help women navigate some of their biggest career and lifestyle questions with intention and clarity. In this empowering journey, you'll have the structure and support to design your 2nd (or 3rd) act.

Together, we'll align your work with your values, break through the influence of hidden systems and limiting beliefs, and craft a personalized roadmap for your boldest career move yet!

Click the link below to complete the interest form. I’d love to hear from you.

You’re Feeling Stuck. Unfulfilled. Need a Change of Career.

Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • - You know you are no longer fulfilled but aren’t sure how to change your life.

    -You feel you NEED a change of career but also afraid of change.

    -You’re afraid that, if you pursue what you really want, you won’t be able to pay the bills

  • -You no longer have the confidence and focus you used to have.

    -You struggle with thoughts of “imposter syndrome.”

    -You are questioning your career and life direction and feel you need a change of career.

    -You feel you are wasting time.

    -You have to give yourself a pep talk just to get through the day.

  • -The busyness of life keeps you stuck in a rut and you want out.

    -By the time the work day ends, you have little time or energy left for yourself.

    -You're tired of just making a living; you want to make a life.

    -After years of doing everything right, you're not sure if you even want the “success” you’ve earned.

    -You’re at a crossroads in life (job loss, empty nest, divorce, loss, leaving the military) and need a change in career.

A mountain-side road, representing the clear path taken when working with Dr. Theresa Lewis as your career change coach.
A woman looks exhausted on a couch, representing how it feels to need a change of career.

You are not alone.

The truth is, it is not your fault. 

We’ve been indoctrinated into a system that measures our worth through paychecks and productivity. It’s natural to want something different. Or maybe you’re at a crossroads and know deep down that now is the time. You need a change in your career.

As a career change coach, I believe the key is to take the time to get in touch with YOU so you can do meaningful work that aligns with your values and strengths, and gives you that spark! Navigating Career Crossroads will help you do just that.

Out with the Old, in With the New

Through the Navigating Career Crossroads Program, you will learn to: 

Dr. Theresa Lewis' compass and sun logo for her career change coach services for women.


  • Pouring energy into things that do not serve you

  • Working yourself into being appreciated

  • Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain

  • Believing the false narratives that keep you stuck


  • Developing and reclaiming your energy to curate your life

  • Being valued, respected, and supported

  • Having enthusiasm about the work you do

  • Getting paid to do the work you actually care about

Dr. Theresa Lewis - Career Change Coach for women who need a change of career - sits on a stool and smiles.

Hi, I’m Dr. Theresa Lewis.

I believe that when we align our values with our work, we create a more peaceful and sustainable life for ourselves and for others. 

With over two decades of working with individuals, I know that when our work is not aligned with who we are, we become drained, burnt out and experience unnecessary conflict and stress. 

I’ve seen this happen over and over again and have successfully guided clients as they’ve transitioned to new jobs, changed career paths, started new businesses, and overcame the obstacles in their path to fulfilling work. 

If you are beginning to sense you need a change of career, I want to do the same for you.

“Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation which is not nurturing to the whole woman.”

Maya Angelou

Cows, representing how you can feel like a cow in a herd before you change your career with the help of Dr. Theresa Lewis.

I often equate our early life path to following the herd, like cattle. 

There’s a script that is laid out the minute we’re born. Just like when we walk into a restaurant, we know the script: you go, you sit down, you look at the menu, order the food, and so on and so forth until you’re happily fed and on your way. We don’t have to think about what to do or how to do it, its just automatic.

Life is much the same. There’s a script the moment that we’re born. Its our whole world - family, school, society, media, culture, etc writes the script for us. It serves us well and there is some comfort in that, just like there is comfort in knowing what to do when you walk into a restaurant.

But there’s also a cost.

As women, we get to a certain point in life and realize we want something different. After years of following the herd, you are loosing confidence, focus, and passion for what you do. Following the script is now feeling uncomfortable and you know you need to make a change.

As your career change coach, I want to help you go off-script and write your own story.

Story is the set of beliefs we tell ourselves over and over again. Its our comfort zone, and its the glue that keeps us stuck. You’ve gone through many experiences that have made you strong, resilient and wise. Now is the time to use that wisdom to curate your life - you are now the author of your story.

I know change is scary. I understand that it can be scary to even admit to yourself that you want something different.

But you can, and it’s OK. It’s OK to want something more.

“You don't become what you want, you become what you believe.”

Oprah Winfrey

What to expect

Module #1 Let’s Get Started!

Introductions, Mindfulness Meditation, Story Mapping

The first big step in getting unstuck is to commit to kindness to yourself. In the first week, we’ll establish a strong self-care practice, and we’ll start the process of story mapping.

A woman journals, representing discovering your ideal career change with the help of women's career coach Dr. Theresa Lewis.

Module #2

Story Mapping. Embracing Growth and Adult Development

Explore personal stories through the lens of adult development and the metaphorical three acts. Gather your wisdom to tell your future story of the work you are meant to do now.

A woman climbs a rope, representing overcome obstacles to find your ideal change of career with Dr. Theresa Lewis.

Module #3

Overcoming Obstacles

Identify and confront the obstacles and barriers, including societal systems and internalized beliefs, hindering alignment with your true self and aspirations. Learn to break free of narratives that are no longer serving you.

A woman smiles in mirror, representing how it feels like to successfully change careers with the help of Dr. Theresa Lewis.

Module #4

Identify Your Strength and Values.

Identify and decide your values. Clarify your personal motivations and learn to ground your work in love, truth, and the unique gifts you bring to the table.

A military woman sits on a porch, an example of a woman who might work with woman career coach Dr. Theresa Lewis.

Module #5

Create Your Vision

Learn how to engage with work beyond bringing home a paycheck by cultivating a mission and vision.

A woman looks engaged in her job, an example of how work can feel after working with woman career coach Dr. Theresa Lewis.

Module #6

Valued Intentions and Goal Setting.

Drawing upon on your values, strengths, and skills you’ll build the foundation of your new career roadmap with goals that suit you perfectly.

A woman sits in meditation, showing the mindfulness practices infused in woman career coach Theresa Lewis' approach.

Module #7 It’s all about that Energy!

Wellness Practices as Liberation.

Explore wellness practices as liberation from oppressive systems and expectations, emphasizing lived self-care over checklist activities to keep our energy flowing. Make bold decisions and take action.

A bright sunset, representing how it feels to find your dream career with woman career coach Dr. Theresa Lewis.

Module #8

Transforming Vision into Reality with Gratitude

Share, support, and celebrate your plan and how far you’ve come. You have taken the time to think deeply, curate your life and gained clarity and authorship of your 2nd act!

The Process

How it works:

  • You’ll register. Pricing information can be found here.

  • We’ll meet for one-hour calls each week in a small group of women over zoom video, or individually with me, Dr. Theresa Lewis. 

  • Throughout, we’ll meditate and prioritize our wellness practices.

  • Each call will be recorded and you’ll have access to the recordings long after the program ends. If you don’t want to be recorded you won’t be.

  • Between calls there are optional activities and reflection prompts. You can submit questions at any time. 

  • If you’re transitioning out of the military, you’ll be invited to a private group call with a woman veteran who can offer specific support tailored to the military experience.

Click the link below to set up a free 15 minute zero pressure consultation.

 This is for you if


  • Want to change trajectories but are not sure what that is.

  • Want to be clear and intentional about your life and the work you do, but are finding it difficult to do that.

  • Are ready to release the influence of hidden systems and limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you.

  • Are ready to think deeply about who you are and the ways you can do meaningful work (even if that feels uncomfortable).

  • Have been wanting to start a new business or side hustle, speak up for change in your organization, set out for that promotion, or find your next job in a better fit place.

  • Want to spend your time doing work that energizes you and is integrated with you and your life vs work that leaves you drained and striving for “balance.”

  • Feel, on some level, that you need a change.

❌  This is not for you if:

  • You are looking for therapy. This program (both individual and group formats) is not therapy. While I’m not taking new therapy clients, the highly skilled clinicians at my group practice are available to support you in that capacity.


  • All group sessions will be LIVE on Zoom. If you are unable to join us live, a recording of the session will be available within two business days. You will be able to watch the recordings at your convenience and at your own pace.

  • This program is offered in both 1:1 and group formats.

    If you would like to work through the program individually with me (1:1) set up a free call to discuss pricing.

    The group program is $845.

    Payment plans are available for both programs. See below for details.

  • Yes. I’m available to answer your questions throughout the program. There are the live weekly calls that will include spotlight coaching and Q&As. I also offer Introvert Office Hours where you can submit questions and requests for feedback, and I will record my in-depth responses and release those each week throughout the program.

  • Yes. We wholeheartedly welcome gender non-conforming and non-binary individuals with open arms. If you identify with the "This is for you" category, this program is definitely for you! We're all about creating a vibrant, inclusive community where everyone feels celebrated and empowered.

  • There are no refunds for this program. If you have any questions about whether Navigating Career Crossroads is right for you, please reach out to me for a free, no pressure phone chat.

  • Yes!

    For the group program the payment plan allows three equal installments of $282. The first payment is due two weeks before the program begins. The second payment is due the first day of class. The final payment is due no later than the fifth class.

    If you sign up for 1:1, the plan allows three equal installments of $600, with the same dates as the group plan.

  • Yes. lf you are experiencing extreme financial hardship you may be eligible for a reduced rate.

  • You’re in the right place! I designed this program to help you figure it out - to design a life where the work you do really matters to you. All you need to participate is a sense that you need a change of career.

Let’s take the first step to
changing your career together!

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