Dr. Theresa Lewis

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How to Find Joy in Life Again: The Power of Now

The focus of today’s meditation blog is finding joy in life. It’s possible, I promise!

If you are feeling like joy is out of reach lately, I encourage you to read on. By the end, you’ll be equipped with ready-to-implement tips which can bring you more joy in minutes.

This blog is inspired by a recent experience I had while meditating with my sangha, or meditation group. It was a guided practice focused on the body, and it led me to a profound realization that I'd like to share with you.

I learned there is a common tendency that makes finding joy in life harder than it has to be.

During the meditation, we engaged in a body scan, breathing, and simply noticed what we felt. We spent a long time connecting mentally and energetically with our bodies. The guided meditation invited us to check in: What do you feel? What do you notice?

As I went through this process, I found myself instinctively searching for something wrong. My thoughts drifted to potential discomforts: "Will my knees start hurting if I sit too long? Is my shoulder bothering me? How's my back holding up?" I scanned my body, looking for any sign of discomfort or pain.

Finding joy in life requires overcoming the tendency to focus on what’s “wrong.”

This pattern of searching for what's wrong felt so familiar. It's a common mindset for many of us, rooted in our brain's design to protect us by being alert to threats. However, during a peaceful meditation, this instinct isn't necessary. And, in fact, it just might be keeping us from finding joy in our lives.

I realized I was caught in this loop of anticipating problems, trying to find something wrong. This awareness made me chuckle because it's such a typical human tendency. We are often on the lookout for what's not right, attempting to head off issues before they arise.

In that moment of recognition, I shifted my focus. Instead of seeking out discomfort, I began to appreciate my breath, my body, and the peacefulness of the present moment. I noticed that nothing was wrong. I was at ease and at peace. A profound sense of gratitude washed over me.

You can find joy in your life by shifting your mindset.

If you notice yourself focusing on all that is “wrong” in your life, you may be able to find joy in your life by making a few small mindset shifts. Here is an exercise for you to try:

Can you notice when you're looking for what's wrong? Are you able to switch your focus to what's right, especially when it's not necessary to find faults?

In our daily lives, it's crucial to exercise the skill of problem-solving when needed. But not all the time. Can we train ourselves to notice what's right and good? Can we cultivate an awareness of the positives around us?

I remember a piece of parenting advice: catch your children doing something good. Don't only give them attention when they act out. Acknowledge their positive actions, give them attention for simply being. This practice of noticing and appreciating the good can extend beyond parenting to all aspects of our lives. It is the key to finding joy in life.

By focusing on what's good, we foster a sense of gratitude (see this article on the power of gratitude for a primer!). This shift in perspective can profoundly impact our well-being and outlook on life.

Helping others find joy in life is my passion!

With warmth and appreciation,

Dr. Theresa Lewis

P.S. Want to learn more about how you can access joy through the power of now? Check out the podcast that inspired this meditation blog!